Looking to find ways to improve the bottom line?
Saving money on labour costs is a big part of improving profits.
VapourForm two-in-one formwork and vapour barrier system means significant savings on labour costs.
There’s no skilled labour needed to install our innovative formwork/vapour barrier system.
When you need to protect green concrete from acidic soils, ensure long-lasting quality and finish for concrete, and get out of the ground fast, VapourForm by Dansea is the answer you’ve been waiting for.
It’s light, clean and fast. Using back-fill soil on-site saves on truck access. Wet weather is no problem with VapourForm.
And, because it stays in the ground, the risks of stripping early are greatly reduced, thereby ensuring the best results for your finished concrete.
80% of soils are acidic and your green concrete is vulnerable. Give it the best help by using VapourForm by Dansea.

The two in one formwork and vapour barrier system you need.
Visit our website or drop us a a line to see how we can help you save time and money on your next project, while ensuring your concrete will be the best quality and have long life.
Want to watch the installation video? Click here!
Our Australian distributor is:
Wrightstone Trading
33 Veronica St,
Capalaba QLD 4214,
+61 7 3823 4405